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Fotoaparát k teleskopu určený pro astrofotografii


ID výrobku 73040
Značka Bresser GmbH, Německo
Záruka 2 roky
EAN 0643824215733
Velikost balení (DxŠxV) 11x11x9 cm
Přepravní hmotnost 0.25 kg

Nearly everyone that is starting to observe the night sky wants to store the images that he sees through the telescope. With the new Bresser Wi-Fi camera the first steps towards lunar and planetary imaging are extremely easy: just download the free app from the app-store or google play, install it onto a tablet or even smartphone, insert the camera into your telescope and you are ready to make high resolution pictures of the moon or planets.


  • Lunar and planetary imager with 1.3 megapixels
  • Wireless connection to tablet and smartphone
  • Works with iOS, Android
  • High effective magnification with short focal length
  • Extension tube to reach focus included
  • Filter thread for 1.25" color and nebular filter inside

The kit includes:

  • Camera
  • MiniUSB cable
  • Extension tube
  • Manual

|Specifications| | |Image output size, px|2560x1440, 1280x720, 1152x864, 640x480| |Video output size, px|HD 1280x720 (24fps), 320x240 (30fps)| |WLAN-standard|802.11bgn| |Power source|miniUSB, 5V
4 batteries type AA/LR6| |Power consumtion, mA|200
350 (with Wi-Fi)| |Camera barrel diameter|1.25" (31.7mm)| |CMOS sensor|1/4"| |Megapixels|1.3| |Physical chip resolution, px|1280x1024| |Chipsize, mm|3.67x2.96| |Pixelsize, µm|2.79|

ID výrobku 73040
Značka Bresser GmbH, Německo
Záruka 2 roky
EAN 0643824215733
Velikost balení (DxŠxV) 11x11x9 cm
Přepravní hmotnost 0.25 kg
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