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Typ: pryzmat Porro. Powiększenie: 30x. Średnica obiektywu: 100 mm

Hranoly dalekohledů upravují orientaci obrazu promítaného objektivem
Čím větší je zvětšení dalekohledu, tím větší je objekt, ale tím užší je zorné pole (FOV) a tím tmavší je obraz
Čím větší je clona, tím více světla proniká do optického tubusu a obraz je jasnější, ačkoli větší clona zvětšuje velikost dalekohledu

ID výrobku 78618
Značka Omegon
Záruka 2 roky
EAN 2400000047803
Přepravní hmotnost 10.92 kg
Typ hranolu Porro

A telescope for daytime, for night-time – for all of nature

A deer at the edge of the forest at twilight, a ship in the distance or even stars and planets. Do you want to see it all? The new Brightsky large telescopes are real all-rounders and show you a large range of natural phenomenon. With large, tempered lenses, they also collect light at twilight and offer clear, sharp images - even of very distant objects. Choose between a telescope with a 45° or 90° diagonal. Discover even more now.

The highlights at a glance:

  • 45° angled eyepieces for comfortable nature watching
  • Interchangeable eyepieces also allow you to use your own existing eyepieces and different magnifications
  • Waterproof and nitrogen-filled means you can use your binoculars in any weather and get a clear image, even in damp conditions
  • The magnesium housing ensures that your binoculars are especially lightweight, so that they can always be at your side on excursions
  • Multi-coated to prevent reflections - for a brilliant, sharp image
  • Focusing
  • The focus adjustment has a precise, high-quality feel. The two separate helices can be adjusted smoothly and with pinpoint accuracy for crisp, sharp images.

Two 18mm wide-angle flat field eyepieces

Marvel at the wide field of view. Compared to many other models, these astronomical 18mm eyepieces reveal more nature and more of the sky. With a 65° field of view, they belong to the wide-angle eyepieces. The particularly flat field allows you to use the entire field of view for your observation and prevents image errors so you can enjoy a sharp image right to the edge.

Interchangeable eyepieces

The special advantage of this model; eyepieces can be exchanged at any time. Use other astronomical 1.25" eyepieces and increase the magnification as desired.

Tip: Two zoom eyepieces with continuous magnification can be a useful addition to your binoculars.

Filter thread for even more contrast

This model allows you to use your own 1.25" filters on the eyepieces to make observing even more enjoyable and interesting, something that most binoculars with fixed eyepieces lack. For example, how about using city light filters to enhance astronomical nebulae? Or grey filters for observing the Moon?

See even better with two eyes

These binoculars work almost like a telescope, but with one difference; each eye has its own optics. Observing with both eyes adds another dimension. You get a more vivid, relaxed experience and observe naturally right from the start.

Made of magnesium for light weight

Despite the large lens, these new binoculars are extremely lightweight. The magnesium housing provides a lightweight but sturdy design. This way you can take your binoculars with you on every trip in the future and return with unforgettable experiences.

45° angled view - perfect for nature observers

Ergonomics is just as important as proper mechanics when it comes to observing. The 45° eyepieces are perfectly suited for nature observers. A view upwards at a steep angle also works wonderfully. This way you can observe the landscape and comfortably watch chamois or deer high up in the mountains.

Easy assembly

With the well-thought-out carrying handle on the top, you always have a firm grip on your large binoculars. It is particularly practical during assembly. It allows you to place it securely on a tripod within seconds.

Tip: Use a sturdy tripod with a video head or a fork mount. Observation is much more fun with a sturdy and practical mount.

ID výrobku 78618
Značka Omegon
Záruka 2 roky
EAN 2400000047803
Přepravní hmotnost 10.92 kg
Typ hranolu Porro
Zvětšení, x 30
Průměr objektivu (apertura), mm 100
Povrchová úprava čoček vícenásobná antireflexní vrstva na všech optických prvcích
Výstupní pupila, mm 3.3
Oční reliéf, mm 20
Faktor stmívání 55
Relativní jas 11
Zorné pole, ° 2.1
Zorné pole, m/1000 m 35
Nejkratší vzdálenost zaostření, m 32
Dioptrická korekce okuláru
Mezipupilární vzdálenost (IPD), mm 56 — 83
Očnice sklopný
Odolnost proti vlhkosti
Velikost klasické
Možnosti použití astronomický
Odpovědi na nejčastější dotazy o binokulárních dalekohledech (17.03.2020)
Všechny nezbytné informace o binokulárních dalekohledech: zvětšení, oční reliéf, zorné pole, pozorované objekty a mnoho dalšího
Průvodce binokulárními dalekohledy (17.03.2020)
Vše o binokulárních dalekohledech: číselné označení, zorné pole, výstupní pupila, optické hranoly, antireflexní ochrana, ostření
Revoluční přístup k výběru binokulárů Levenhuk (17.03.2020)
Vyberte si snadno binokulární dalekohled Levenhuk
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