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Refraktor. Apertura: 90 mm. Ohnisková vzdálenost: 900 mm

Optická konstrukce
Apertura – průměr světelného objektivu nebo zrcadla, který dalekohled používá ke sběru světla
Ohnisková vzdálenost – vzdálenost od primárního objektivu nebo zrcadla k bodu, na který je světlo zaostřeno

ID výrobku 80689
Značka Bresser GmbH, Německo
Záruka 2 roky
EAN 4007922071664
Velikost balení (DxŠxV) 21x93x29 cm
Přepravní hmotnost 9.28 kg

Discover the fascinating night sky - people have been drawn to the night sky since time immemorial. The Bresser 90/900 Space Explorer telescope will show you the wonders of space. Thanks to the 90mm aperture, the telescope collects 165 times more light than the human eye. The long 900mm focal length brings the highlights of the night sky into view. Discover the Earth's natural satellite, the moon, take an optical trip to the planets, or journey past the solar system and discover the first bright deep-sky objects. The refractor telescope is mounted on a sturdy aluminium tripod to ensure maximum stability during your observations. There is also an accessory shelf for storing eyepieces, a Barlow lens and other accessories. You can also compensate for the Earth's movements to ensure that your celestial discoveries stay within the field of view: the equatorial EQ3 mount allows you to guide the telescope manually and follow your objects on their journey through the night sky.

Space Explorer telescope - everything you need for a good view into space

Designed for beginners and advanced observers, this telescope has everything that you need to explore space on clear nights. The red dot finder provides an easy way to orientate yourself in the night sky. Once you have set up the finder on the telescope, the small red dot will show you the direction in which your telescope is pointing. Once you have decided on an object, you can view it more detail with the three eyepieces. Marvel at Saturn's majestic rings and the gas giant Jupiter in different magnifications with the 4mm, 12mm and 20mm eyepieces. On dark, moonless nights, the brightest gas nebula, galaxies and star clusters are also visible. If you're fascinated by the moon, simply screw the moon filter into the back of one of the eyepieces. This reduces glare and increases the contrast so that you can enjoy the Moon's stunning landscapes without being dazzled. You can also use the refractor telescope for terrestrial observations. Discover the wonders of nature and view distant animals up close!

Embark on a journey of discovery with the Bresser 90/900 Space Explorer telescope!


  • Collects 165 times more light than the human eye
  • Simple tracking by hand
  • EQ3 equatorial mount
  • Aluminium tripod with accessory shelf

The kit includes:

  • Tube
  • EQ3 mount
  • Height-adjustable aluminium tripod
  • 3 eyepieces: 4mm, 12mm, 20mm
  • Barlow lens, 3x
  • 90° star diagonal
  • Moon filter
  • LED finder scope
  • Smartphone-holder
  • Battery (CR2032)
  • Manual
ID výrobku 80689
Značka Bresser GmbH, Německo
Záruka 2 roky
EAN 4007922071664
Velikost balení (DxŠxV) 21x93x29 cm
Přepravní hmotnost 9.28 kg
Optická konstrukce refraktor
Optické schéma achromatický
Průměr objektivu (apertura), mm 90
Ohnisková vzdálenost, mm 900
Zvětšení, x 45 — 675
Okuláry 4 mm, 12 mm, 20 mm
Barlowova čočka 3x
Hledáček červený terč, LED
Filtry v sadě lunární
Stativ hliník
Montáž paralaktická, EQ3
Typ uživatele začátečníci
Pozorovaný objekt planety Sluneční soustavy a objekty hlubokého vesmíru, pozemské objekty
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